
Monday, June 27, 2011 Basics for sharepoint developement

As I said in my last Post,Let me welcome Mr. Pravin Yadav also who is helping me and manisha a lot these days to put ShaingPointer and DotNetMinder updated and fresh.Pravin and manisha have really came up with the material every sharepoint developer must know about basic concepts.They in their slides not only explain theory and code of and c# but also establish the relation of concepts with sharepoint.That's the best part of it I love and you will also.Thanks Manisha and Pravin
So friends lets clear our fundas first.Morever you can soon download code related on codeplex.

Good news for all sharepoint developers is I have decided to make my MOSS2007 developer notes public but then you need wait brothers and sisters....It is just being reviewed.Also meantime you need to refresh the knowledge with more posts coming from Manisha and Pravin.

Finally I dedicate this post Mrs. Sudhaji Murthy whose books,thoughts,her work at Infosys foundation and her simple living high thinking keeps inspiring me a lot.Thanks Sudhaji for all your books...Keep writing

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

ASP.NET WebParts Demonstration for SharePoint Developers....

Hi Friends.....We have one new member in our blogging gang.I welcome Manisha and would like to introduce you all to her latest blog posting ASP.NET WebParts Demonstration To New Developers.....
Here Manisha nicely showcases all the webpart basics for developers and also she supports her slides by source code....Hurry up friends download code and learn web parts.

You might be wondering why sharepoint developers need to know they must as i told sharepoint is build on top of .net.Sharepoint 2007 front end is and it uses following masterpage webparts web services authentication navigation......this is just few highlights that a sharepoint developer must know before he really gets into sharepoint developement

Finally I dedicate this post to Late Mrs. Savitribai Phule who started Girls Education in Pune In spite of opposition  of  anti-social elements.....

*Disclaimer:Images\Video used in this blog are from Internet found during search.Images\Video have their copyrights and do not belong to blog authors.They are used only to save time and not to reinvent wheel

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sharepoint is Magical....Create Generic Enterprise application in few minutes

Now that You have either sharepoint 2010 or 2007 versions on your desktop or laptop or in your virtual must be wondering what all business and enterprises must be doing after investing in sharepoint.........They create a lot many type of applications in few minutes make it operational and start collaborating effectively and efficiently.....How?.....Answer is Sharepoint ready to use site templates....
Sharepoint 2007 has fantastic 40 templates for various purposes. they are available for download from Microsoft free and even are applicable for wss 3.0.Without installing these templates which are more for generic requirements in business and industry like "request for proposal site" and "board of directors site","classroom management site","equity research site".But even if you do not wish to download and install these templates whenever you install and configure sharepoint 2007 or 2010 you get basic ready to use site templates thus you create site  with minimum basic and standard functionality in minutes.So the basic templates available in wss 3.0 if you have moss you get more templates on top of wss 3.0 or moss 2007 you can install application templates with 40 more .So you might be wondering how to create site from this template in minutes that will be my next post and also I will post table with purpose of each template.The concept of site template still exist in Sharepoint 2010 thank god but unfortunately there is no one to one mapping between new templates and old and still fantastic 40 application templates are not available for SP2010 hope some body does it.I would have resources,time and budget I would take it up as a project..but these days i am busy with post migration testing and issue fixing from MOSS 2007 to Sharepoint 2010.

Finally I would like to dedicate this post to Ratanji Tata ,who delivered low cost leadership in car segment and inspires me to think big and innovate