
Friday, August 26, 2011

Many Projects..CxO's need Reports of all with Drill Down...Dont worry just sharepoint

Generally enterprises will have many projects and will also have intranet web apps.Your CTO,CIO'S and CEO'S always had this genuine concern how they can see gesture and posture of all projects on their intranet? The answer is Have your intranet on Sharepoint Enterprise Edition and start using Project server 2010,The Project server 2010 not only is based on sharepoint 2010 but also can be easily integrated with sharepoint 2010 andMoreover sharepoint 2010's performance point and excel services in BI Center allow you to see reports charts and drill down drill through cubes using wcf service,SSAS,SSRS and dashboard designer. Just in couple of weeks,

Murthy Sir we will never forget your valuable words ,"I have always said that a good leader simplifies business. It doesn’t matter what business he or she runs. So, I would suggest that we use simple business rules, not complex or compound ones. The good thing about simple business rules is that it is easy to understand, easy to practice, easy to communicate, and you cannot cheat anybody with simple business rules. And you can enthuse every one of your colleagues with simple business rules because there is transparency, there is fairness, and there is accountability.As far as the youth of this country is concerned, I would say that for the first time in the last 300 years, this country has received recognition in the global markets, and received certain respect. This is the time for us to work hard, this is the time for us to work smart and consolidate on the gains. Indians are generally not known to have the killer instinct or not known to run the last mile. Yesterday was a wonderful exception when the Indian cricketers beat the Australians. But that is a rare one.
We have to make it a habit. We have to make it a habit of what Dhoni and others did yesterday. That is make sure that all the good things that they have achieved in the last 10 years becomes a habit. To do that, you need continued discipline, hard work, smartness, integrity and putting the interest of the country above your own personal interest.
I believe that India is better placed than any of the leading economies of the world to recover from the mess that the world economy has got into because of a very simple reason. We are primarily a domestic economy focused nation. Our fundamentals are good. Our productivity is improving."

Keep mentoring the whole industry.

1 comment:

  1. Really grate lalit to develop reports in sharepoint2010 thanks....
