
Monday, July 25, 2011

Collaborate without language barriers with Sharepoint 2010

Yes SharePoint 2010 allows all of us to collaborate across boundaries it hardly matters which language you speak and you are of which nationality when it comes to collaborating and sharing in sharepoint 2010.
As it not only supports 40 languages but also allows us to set variation.Hence Friends, Today we will use Multilingual feature of sharepoint 2010.Let's Install Multiple Language packs In SharePoint 2010.
Follow the document below.Its like a White paper of  Installation of language pack in SharePoint 2010.It also Describe the viewing list of Installed language pack in SharePoint 2010.This document is very step by step unlike other posts where few steps or screenshots will be missing and you will get confused.
When we post blog,we ensure that it useful for end users or beginners.So its like a Small pocket Guide. if you have any concern on this. feel free to send email to . because we believe in sharing a knowledge,and try to solve the issues by learning and sharing

Finally we dedicate this post to Parag Bihade,our director ParallelMinds Technology & Solution Pvt Ltd.His simplicity and dedication to work, inspires us to follow simple living and high thinking

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