
Friday, August 26, 2011

Many Projects..CxO's need Reports of all with Drill Down...Dont worry just sharepoint

Generally enterprises will have many projects and will also have intranet web apps.Your CTO,CIO'S and CEO'S always had this genuine concern how they can see gesture and posture of all projects on their intranet? The answer is Have your intranet on Sharepoint Enterprise Edition and start using Project server 2010,The Project server 2010 not only is based on sharepoint 2010 but also can be easily integrated with sharepoint 2010 andMoreover sharepoint 2010's performance point and excel services in BI Center allow you to see reports charts and drill down drill through cubes using wcf service,SSAS,SSRS and dashboard designer. Just in couple of weeks,

Murthy Sir we will never forget your valuable words ,"I have always said that a good leader simplifies business. It doesn’t matter what business he or she runs. So, I would suggest that we use simple business rules, not complex or compound ones. The good thing about simple business rules is that it is easy to understand, easy to practice, easy to communicate, and you cannot cheat anybody with simple business rules. And you can enthuse every one of your colleagues with simple business rules because there is transparency, there is fairness, and there is accountability.As far as the youth of this country is concerned, I would say that for the first time in the last 300 years, this country has received recognition in the global markets, and received certain respect. This is the time for us to work hard, this is the time for us to work smart and consolidate on the gains. Indians are generally not known to have the killer instinct or not known to run the last mile. Yesterday was a wonderful exception when the Indian cricketers beat the Australians. But that is a rare one.
We have to make it a habit. We have to make it a habit of what Dhoni and others did yesterday. That is make sure that all the good things that they have achieved in the last 10 years becomes a habit. To do that, you need continued discipline, hard work, smartness, integrity and putting the interest of the country above your own personal interest.
I believe that India is better placed than any of the leading economies of the world to recover from the mess that the world economy has got into because of a very simple reason. We are primarily a domestic economy focused nation. Our fundamentals are good. Our productivity is improving."

Keep mentoring the whole industry.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Trust others....claim authority......and still secure assets

Remember moss 2007 and the pain FBA say no to that pain....because sharepoint 2010 not only allow us form based authentication without extending it but also single web application can have multiple authentication providers.Moreover it is hardly 15-30 minutes job to configure it using claims based authentication.Really just follow steps in following document
Claims based authentication in share point 2010
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We take this opportunity to dedicate this post to Late Shri BharatRatna JRD Tata.His thoughts inspire us to think big,have appetite to service and do perfect implementations

"Most of our troubles are due to poor implementation….wrong priorities and unattainable targets".......JRD Tata

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Want youtube like site to be privately held only for your company and employees then Sharepoint

Hey friend thats true and pretty cool feature of sharepoint 2010.The digital asset management capability of sharepoint 2010 gives you power to upload and manage windows audio,video files centrally.
If you dont believe then do it yourself and see
Digital asset management sharepoint 2010
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We are dedicating this post to Late Shri BharatRatna Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.His innovative teaching methods...message to love everyone....and literature on spiritual thoughts inspires us....

Friday, August 5, 2011

Let's Build Farm ....Start with Single Server

Dear Friends,
We always for test purposes end up installing stand alone machine.
The whatever we develop and test works on it generally fails in QA\Production because of differences in stand alone and farm installation.But SharePoint installer has option to set up single server farm and mostly useful when you wish to develop and Test scalable enterprise app on SharePoint that will seamlessly work in QA\Production.
in this Post we are going to see,How to install Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Single Server Farm,right from pre-requisites till creation of first site and that too very step by step As usual....

If you have any Concern on this feel free to send email to or you contact me on my skype-id :- ravikantchaturvedi1.
Finally we dedicated this blog to  Swami Vivekanand.Who is the Indian spiritual leader.his thought is:-
Truth, purity, and unselfishness - whenever these are present, there is no power below or above the sun to crush the possessor thereof. Equipped with these, one individual is able to face the whole universe in opposition.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Follow the hierarchy...and rule the Object Model

Hi Friends,Hope you all are fine and enjoying various posts.Frequently we have need to prepare web applications,Site collections and site in SharePoint.It can be made through UI but optionally also through code.Starters in SharePoint always get bit confused about SharePoint's hierarchy or topology.Today We are going to be simple.We are going to clear all our confusion.We are going to raise Our confidence. So that we can create the objects by following hierarchy using SharePoint Server Object Model using C#.So Let's1. Understand Topology and object model2. Create Web app using C#3. Create  Site Collection Using C# in the Web App4. Create Site In the  Site Collection Using C#5. Create List In the Site Using C#These five steps below  Sharepoint 2010 Object model topology
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Thanks Lalit for helping me put this Together ....

Lalit let's dedicate this post to Shri Babaji Amte......The great hero who not only inspired us to help others but also encouraged specially able people to realise them that they are really and can really be specially able with full self respect......Salute You Sir