
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dont know programming and script but Want to learn and use Powershell....Dont Worry Just Silverlight

Microsoft is making life easier both for business and administrators.Microsoft recently realeased web as well as local version of  "Windows powershell command builder".
1. What you need is latest version of IE and silverlight on your machine and net connection simple. 
3. Select The product for which you wish to write or learn  powershell command.I have selected "Sharepoint server 2010".Refer screen below.
4.Now select What you are upto....I selected I want to "Create site".You will notice at bottom of third section "design surface" Commands appear with description. :)  wow effect number 1 silverlight is known for :) see screen below.

5. Also notice that Design surface "Required" scrollview asks you for input of parameteres\values required to do this .See screen below

6.Enter all required parameteres and click out side of scrollview you will notice command with parameters at bottom of design surface.Refer above screenshot Incase of "Create Site" it asked me
a. "site url" to be created for me it is http://sharepoint-pc
b. Name of site to be created as "Test Site"
c.  Owner "sharepoint-pc\sharepoint"
Notice for me the windows powershell command is ready at bottom of design surface without knowing syntax...Wow....The powershell script command is

Get-SPSite -Identity "http://sharepoint-pc" | Get-SPWeb -Limit "4" | Enable-SPFeature -Identity "Sharepoint Server Publishing Infrastructure"

7. Now we need to run this command.Before running Let's confirm site "http://sharepoint-pc/sites/test" does not exist refer screen below

8. Click copy to clipboard so that we can paste it anywhere. :)

9.Run "Sharepoint 2010 Management Shell" as administrator as shown below

10. Paste The command and hit enter command returns the url of site created as shown below
11.Now lets confirm is it done open browser and enter url http://sharepoint-pc/sites/test Prompt aslinh you to select rootsite template appears if you are logged in as site owner we mentioned in my case "sharepoint-pc\sharepoint"..Refer below screenshot

12.Finally I dedicate this blogpost to The great Gazal Singer of India Late Padbhushan. Jagjit Singh....Sir your soul will rest in peace for you have taught what peace is with your divine voice,mesmerising songs and albums