
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sharepoint 2010 Sites

Part 1

What is SharePoint and Why Sharepoint

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dont know programming and script but Want to learn and use Powershell....Dont Worry Just Silverlight

Microsoft is making life easier both for business and administrators.Microsoft recently realeased web as well as local version of  "Windows powershell command builder".
1. What you need is latest version of IE and silverlight on your machine and net connection simple. 
3. Select The product for which you wish to write or learn  powershell command.I have selected "Sharepoint server 2010".Refer screen below.
4.Now select What you are upto....I selected I want to "Create site".You will notice at bottom of third section "design surface" Commands appear with description. :)  wow effect number 1 silverlight is known for :) see screen below.

5. Also notice that Design surface "Required" scrollview asks you for input of parameteres\values required to do this .See screen below

6.Enter all required parameteres and click out side of scrollview you will notice command with parameters at bottom of design surface.Refer above screenshot Incase of "Create Site" it asked me
a. "site url" to be created for me it is http://sharepoint-pc
b. Name of site to be created as "Test Site"
c.  Owner "sharepoint-pc\sharepoint"
Notice for me the windows powershell command is ready at bottom of design surface without knowing syntax...Wow....The powershell script command is

Get-SPSite -Identity "http://sharepoint-pc" | Get-SPWeb -Limit "4" | Enable-SPFeature -Identity "Sharepoint Server Publishing Infrastructure"

7. Now we need to run this command.Before running Let's confirm site "http://sharepoint-pc/sites/test" does not exist refer screen below

8. Click copy to clipboard so that we can paste it anywhere. :)

9.Run "Sharepoint 2010 Management Shell" as administrator as shown below

10. Paste The command and hit enter command returns the url of site created as shown below
11.Now lets confirm is it done open browser and enter url http://sharepoint-pc/sites/test Prompt aslinh you to select rootsite template appears if you are logged in as site owner we mentioned in my case "sharepoint-pc\sharepoint"..Refer below screenshot

12.Finally I dedicate this blogpost to The great Gazal Singer of India Late Padbhushan. Jagjit Singh....Sir your soul will rest in peace for you have taught what peace is with your divine voice,mesmerising songs and albums

Friday, August 26, 2011

Many Projects..CxO's need Reports of all with Drill Down...Dont worry just sharepoint

Generally enterprises will have many projects and will also have intranet web apps.Your CTO,CIO'S and CEO'S always had this genuine concern how they can see gesture and posture of all projects on their intranet? The answer is Have your intranet on Sharepoint Enterprise Edition and start using Project server 2010,The Project server 2010 not only is based on sharepoint 2010 but also can be easily integrated with sharepoint 2010 andMoreover sharepoint 2010's performance point and excel services in BI Center allow you to see reports charts and drill down drill through cubes using wcf service,SSAS,SSRS and dashboard designer. Just in couple of weeks,

Murthy Sir we will never forget your valuable words ,"I have always said that a good leader simplifies business. It doesn’t matter what business he or she runs. So, I would suggest that we use simple business rules, not complex or compound ones. The good thing about simple business rules is that it is easy to understand, easy to practice, easy to communicate, and you cannot cheat anybody with simple business rules. And you can enthuse every one of your colleagues with simple business rules because there is transparency, there is fairness, and there is accountability.As far as the youth of this country is concerned, I would say that for the first time in the last 300 years, this country has received recognition in the global markets, and received certain respect. This is the time for us to work hard, this is the time for us to work smart and consolidate on the gains. Indians are generally not known to have the killer instinct or not known to run the last mile. Yesterday was a wonderful exception when the Indian cricketers beat the Australians. But that is a rare one.
We have to make it a habit. We have to make it a habit of what Dhoni and others did yesterday. That is make sure that all the good things that they have achieved in the last 10 years becomes a habit. To do that, you need continued discipline, hard work, smartness, integrity and putting the interest of the country above your own personal interest.
I believe that India is better placed than any of the leading economies of the world to recover from the mess that the world economy has got into because of a very simple reason. We are primarily a domestic economy focused nation. Our fundamentals are good. Our productivity is improving."

Keep mentoring the whole industry.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Trust others....claim authority......and still secure assets

Remember moss 2007 and the pain FBA say no to that pain....because sharepoint 2010 not only allow us form based authentication without extending it but also single web application can have multiple authentication providers.Moreover it is hardly 15-30 minutes job to configure it using claims based authentication.Really just follow steps in following document
Claims based authentication in share point 2010
View more documents from parallelminder.
We take this opportunity to dedicate this post to Late Shri BharatRatna JRD Tata.His thoughts inspire us to think big,have appetite to service and do perfect implementations

"Most of our troubles are due to poor implementation….wrong priorities and unattainable targets".......JRD Tata

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Want youtube like site to be privately held only for your company and employees then Sharepoint

Hey friend thats true and pretty cool feature of sharepoint 2010.The digital asset management capability of sharepoint 2010 gives you power to upload and manage windows audio,video files centrally.
If you dont believe then do it yourself and see
Digital asset management sharepoint 2010
View more documents from parallelminder.
We are dedicating this post to Late Shri BharatRatna Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.His innovative teaching methods...message to love everyone....and literature on spiritual thoughts inspires us....

Friday, August 5, 2011

Let's Build Farm ....Start with Single Server

Dear Friends,
We always for test purposes end up installing stand alone machine.
The whatever we develop and test works on it generally fails in QA\Production because of differences in stand alone and farm installation.But SharePoint installer has option to set up single server farm and mostly useful when you wish to develop and Test scalable enterprise app on SharePoint that will seamlessly work in QA\Production.
in this Post we are going to see,How to install Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Single Server Farm,right from pre-requisites till creation of first site and that too very step by step As usual....

If you have any Concern on this feel free to send email to or you contact me on my skype-id :- ravikantchaturvedi1.
Finally we dedicated this blog to  Swami Vivekanand.Who is the Indian spiritual leader.his thought is:-
Truth, purity, and unselfishness - whenever these are present, there is no power below or above the sun to crush the possessor thereof. Equipped with these, one individual is able to face the whole universe in opposition.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Follow the hierarchy...and rule the Object Model

Hi Friends,Hope you all are fine and enjoying various posts.Frequently we have need to prepare web applications,Site collections and site in SharePoint.It can be made through UI but optionally also through code.Starters in SharePoint always get bit confused about SharePoint's hierarchy or topology.Today We are going to be simple.We are going to clear all our confusion.We are going to raise Our confidence. So that we can create the objects by following hierarchy using SharePoint Server Object Model using C#.So Let's1. Understand Topology and object model2. Create Web app using C#3. Create  Site Collection Using C# in the Web App4. Create Site In the  Site Collection Using C#5. Create List In the Site Using C#These five steps below  Sharepoint 2010 Object model topology
View more presentations from parallelminder.

Thanks Lalit for helping me put this Together ....

Lalit let's dedicate this post to Shri Babaji Amte......The great hero who not only inspired us to help others but also encouraged specially able people to realise them that they are really and can really be specially able with full self respect......Salute You Sir

Monday, July 25, 2011

Collaborate without language barriers with Sharepoint 2010

Yes SharePoint 2010 allows all of us to collaborate across boundaries it hardly matters which language you speak and you are of which nationality when it comes to collaborating and sharing in sharepoint 2010.
As it not only supports 40 languages but also allows us to set variation.Hence Friends, Today we will use Multilingual feature of sharepoint 2010.Let's Install Multiple Language packs In SharePoint 2010.
Follow the document below.Its like a White paper of  Installation of language pack in SharePoint 2010.It also Describe the viewing list of Installed language pack in SharePoint 2010.This document is very step by step unlike other posts where few steps or screenshots will be missing and you will get confused.
When we post blog,we ensure that it useful for end users or beginners.So its like a Small pocket Guide. if you have any concern on this. feel free to send email to . because we believe in sharing a knowledge,and try to solve the issues by learning and sharing

Finally we dedicate this post to Parag Bihade,our director ParallelMinds Technology & Solution Pvt Ltd.His simplicity and dedication to work, inspires us to follow simple living and high thinking

Friday, July 22, 2011

Configure Filter's...! purify yourself ...!! and Search within !!!

Hi Friend, I am Ravikant Chaturvedi working as Junior Solution Developer at ParallelMinds Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd,Pune.I Not only Installed SharePoint 2010 Single server farm but also Configured PDF Ifilter On it.Though There are many posts on how to install and configure SharePoint farm. There are very few on how to Configure Ifilter. So our management encouraged sharing this on Post and hence I am writing this post. I have uploaded following document On Slideshare
It is detailed Walk through of How to configure PDF Ifilter in SharePoint 2010 Environment. With step by step description, screenshots and links. I hope Every One finds this document helpful. I am sure after following these steps you will be able to configure PDF Ifilter in SharePoint 2010 so that your SharePoint end users will not only be able to search inside the pdf documents but also will see the icon of pdf in results and document libraries.

I Dedicate this Post To Indrajit Chavan . He always Inspires every one who meets him every single time. He has  a mighty and kindly heart for every one. His company always force us to do something  new,better,faster everyday.which is not done by any one before you.He thinks "if you are not able do something, its means no one can do it. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sharepoint needs Master and Control..It borrows from :)

Yes.That's true sharepoint borrows all best practices from dotnet hence if you see masterpage,webpart,usercontrols and navigation controls are not only borrowed but taken to next level in sharepoint so if you wish to learn sharepoint thoroughly one must understand these concepts too.
So I request you all to please go through following Concepts of my friends Master Page Navigation Control
After Reading All posts only the sharepoint 2007 Development material which I will release in Phases soon Can be understood by you.

Another good news for all sharepoint fans is that Now Sharepoint's Supported storage limit is enhanced from 200GB to 4TB with release of SP2010 SP1......My series on 2010 will start only after I publish my 2007 Notes which I am still working On......So stay tuned and get our more fundas clear till then

And I must dedicate this Post to Bharatratna Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.Whose books,stories and speeches have inspired billions of Youth and Children with dreams,zeals and guidence.Long Live Kalam Sir.God give me the ability and Courage to understand and Practice his Vision...

Monday, June 27, 2011 Basics for sharepoint developement

As I said in my last Post,Let me welcome Mr. Pravin Yadav also who is helping me and manisha a lot these days to put ShaingPointer and DotNetMinder updated and fresh.Pravin and manisha have really came up with the material every sharepoint developer must know about basic concepts.They in their slides not only explain theory and code of and c# but also establish the relation of concepts with sharepoint.That's the best part of it I love and you will also.Thanks Manisha and Pravin
So friends lets clear our fundas first.Morever you can soon download code related on codeplex.

Good news for all sharepoint developers is I have decided to make my MOSS2007 developer notes public but then you need wait brothers and sisters....It is just being reviewed.Also meantime you need to refresh the knowledge with more posts coming from Manisha and Pravin.

Finally I dedicate this post Mrs. Sudhaji Murthy whose books,thoughts,her work at Infosys foundation and her simple living high thinking keeps inspiring me a lot.Thanks Sudhaji for all your books...Keep writing

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

ASP.NET WebParts Demonstration for SharePoint Developers....

Hi Friends.....We have one new member in our blogging gang.I welcome Manisha and would like to introduce you all to her latest blog posting ASP.NET WebParts Demonstration To New Developers.....
Here Manisha nicely showcases all the webpart basics for developers and also she supports her slides by source code....Hurry up friends download code and learn web parts.

You might be wondering why sharepoint developers need to know they must as i told sharepoint is build on top of .net.Sharepoint 2007 front end is and it uses following masterpage webparts web services authentication navigation......this is just few highlights that a sharepoint developer must know before he really gets into sharepoint developement

Finally I dedicate this post to Late Mrs. Savitribai Phule who started Girls Education in Pune In spite of opposition  of  anti-social elements.....

*Disclaimer:Images\Video used in this blog are from Internet found during search.Images\Video have their copyrights and do not belong to blog authors.They are used only to save time and not to reinvent wheel

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sharepoint is Magical....Create Generic Enterprise application in few minutes

Now that You have either sharepoint 2010 or 2007 versions on your desktop or laptop or in your virtual must be wondering what all business and enterprises must be doing after investing in sharepoint.........They create a lot many type of applications in few minutes make it operational and start collaborating effectively and efficiently.....How?.....Answer is Sharepoint ready to use site templates....
Sharepoint 2007 has fantastic 40 templates for various purposes. they are available for download from Microsoft free and even are applicable for wss 3.0.Without installing these templates which are more for generic requirements in business and industry like "request for proposal site" and "board of directors site","classroom management site","equity research site".But even if you do not wish to download and install these templates whenever you install and configure sharepoint 2007 or 2010 you get basic ready to use site templates thus you create site  with minimum basic and standard functionality in minutes.So the basic templates available in wss 3.0 if you have moss you get more templates on top of wss 3.0 or moss 2007 you can install application templates with 40 more .So you might be wondering how to create site from this template in minutes that will be my next post and also I will post table with purpose of each template.The concept of site template still exist in Sharepoint 2010 thank god but unfortunately there is no one to one mapping between new templates and old and still fantastic 40 application templates are not available for SP2010 hope some body does it.I would have resources,time and budget I would take it up as a project..but these days i am busy with post migration testing and issue fixing from MOSS 2007 to Sharepoint 2010.

Finally I would like to dedicate this post to Ratanji Tata ,who delivered low cost leadership in car segment and inspires me to think big and innovate

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sorry Friends...Sorry Sharepoint...I missed You...but I am back

Where were you? What happened ? where is next post....Indrajit :( blah.... blah... blah...Sorry Friends..I missed you sharepoint and blogspot a lot but I am back.Exams you see MBA Marketing second year at MIT,Kothrud Pune......and you know how studious and sincere I am :) just kidding.....No No don't ask me about exams....they are over and lets start sharingpointer again......So I just had chance to see new features in sharepoint 2010 and I thought you all must know what are different service applications there uses and scope.Following is table depicts purpose and scope of each service application very nicely by thomasmaurer

believe me these are just few out of many and is major architectural shift which offers many advantages
like multitenancy,isolated and scalability over their counterpart SSP in moss 2007...........So keep comparing SSP and service applications............and wait for my next post

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sharepoint 2010 administration...Shell is powered again,stsadm remains..Cut the ribbon..reduce the clicks

Yes .Those who have 64 bit and windows 7 must have installed sharepoint 2010 you may now can administer it more efficiently than 2007 administration because
2007 administration need more clicks,time and patience as sharepoint 2010 administration
1.We have sharepoint central administration 4.0 web UI to manage farm,webapplications with Ribbon.And the ribbon is so context censitive that it shows all settings and menus of currently selected application\site\solution\document\item.It boosts productivity a lot as it is just simmiliar to office 2010 ribbon.
Moreover it can be customised.
2.Stsadm command interface for administrator is supported but we have better tool Now......PowerShell really powerful
3.ManyThird party tool for sharepoint administration are coming up and already build for both 2007 and 2010
4.Easy upgrade options and better health\performance analysers are new add ins
So if you want to see summary of whole new world of sharepoint 2010 administration with supported screens and commands check out below slide show
Thanks Joel.

Those who already feel they know good amount of sharepoint 2007 administration can actually watch this video of tech ed very nicely described by Ian about even a bit of architecture

Get Microsoft Silverlight

From last many days I am planning to dedicate post to one person many of you may not know but I am not getting nice picture of that person none the less I have many personalities that keep inspiring me along the journey called my life and Mr. Subrato Bagchi is one such person whose books Go Kiss the world and The professional keep giving me always renewed energy and zeal.This for you Subrato Sir.Keep writing

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Installed Sharepoint.....Now what......Administer sharepoint centrally.....

Now that you have sharepoint right in front of you you must be going mad and crazy about sites and applications and templates and what not.Also impatiently waiting for next steps.Chill friends I will tell you what next and it is really click next next save or finish in sharepoint for creating sites or web applications but before that you must do few common and required administration and configuration tasks.Once you login to machine where sharepoint is installed as an administrator obviously first go to start-> All Programs->Sharepoint Central Administration 3.0 on moss 2007\win2k3 setup.It will open Ready to use web interface to create and manage web applications in IE.Since you logged in as administrator you are authorised to see this interface.First thing you will notice is few tasks are assigned to you since you are by default farm administrator now.What are these tasks and how to perform each one we will discuss one by one.But rest assured you don't need all of them completed or configured readily now.Relax.
What you must remember is this central admin tool and its url.As you will need this to manage anything and everything in a farm to be specific sharepoint farm in object model its refereed as SPFarm
What appears in central administration is nicely and shortly explained here.While this article says what all we can do using central administration is shown in this quick start.Following Video Will give you overview of central administration

Thanks to you tube it has become fantastic e-learning tool So Obviously This post is dedicated to Inventors of YouTube Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Oh No 2007..I want 2010 man

Yes Yes brother and sisters I understand...You all are super duper techies and upgraded guys n gals...We are in 2011 and everyone wants to know about 2010 and not 2007 and work on latest.Good but to be very frank those who worked or have knowledge of 2007 will always have upper hand in 2010 too as core concepts like object model,planning and deployment,administration and configuration concepts are similar or extended from 2007. Though you can directly start on 2010, I would advise to c;ear and practice basics of 2007.It will also help during migration and maintenance kind a project.

The best way if you need Sharepoint 2010 on your lappy or desktop is to check first if your processor is 64 bit and if not then upgrade bro there is no way cause on metal or virtual sharepoint 2010 needs processor to be 64 bit.......So you have good reason to ask your big bro or declare your dad that you need new lappy or workstation.....those who already have it guys start study you can't give any reason ok ? and neither you will get new beautiful 64 bit but guys like you and me  can blackmail new 32 bit players who will upgrade for treat cause they will need our help and they have new machine also.

MS guys have given on metal how can you have sp2010 dev environment here but if you are virtual vhd guy then goto  download 2010 info worker vhd . On this vhd but, you will need to install Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint 2010 SDK.

And fans of virtual pc 2007 will be disappointed a bit as2010 info worker vhd  VM requires HyperV R2. Virtual PC is not supported because there is no support for 64bit guest in Virtual PC. If you have VMWare you could use some tools to convert the .vhd to .vmdk and use it in VMWare.Don't worry all freebies VMWare is paid but sun virtual box is not and Sharepoint 2010 can be ran on sun virtual box too.
Sun’s VirtualBox is free, and an interesting option.  It’s the only virtualization tool I know of that let’s you run a 64-bit guest on a 32-bit host. On the downside, it doesn’t have good snapshot support, and it won’t let me hand over more that half my RAM to the guest.Stuart discusses virtualisation option in detail here and if you wanna build on metal or in virtual check out this wiki

So Friends I gave you latest technology on your laptop or desktop so you can send me thanking comments and all but more than that I would be happy if you post all the issues you are facing so that I will try to answer or redirect you to proper KB..

Those still struggling and on 32 bit wish to have 3GB switch and need step by step guidance refer below
Pictorially sharepoint 2010 dev is represented by our friend below

Finally I dedicate this post to Mr. Shiv Khera whose books keep me inspiring and doing more...

.Thanks a lot shiv keep writing..

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I want sharepoint on my lappy or desktop

Yeah cool down....demanding fellow devloper.It is possible and I am gonna give it
If you do not have net connection in that case what you need is a lappy or desktop with  recommended 2 GB ram and windows xp with latest service pack and Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 installed on top of it.Once that is ready download.While downloading please see what your os is xp anyways is 32 bit but if you have vista there might be possibility of having 64 bit flavour  in that case 64 bit Microsoft virtual pc need to be downloaded and installed.Now in Virtual pc console you can add existing virtual machine which you need to download at Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SP1 Developer Evaluation VPC Image.While adding new machine make sure you select windows server 2003 as os and memory recommended you give is 1024 MB out of 2GB available.

Other VHDs available on Microsoft on technet are here. It seems Microsoft Has removed dev vpc image for moss 2007 if you need it contact some body who earlier downloaded it.But still if you get nobody I have one and I share it with developers who attend my sessions which i conduct in pune,maharashtra,india.Another alternative is use Microsoft BI image or dynamic crm image as Moss 2007 image but that's very huge download but a good last option.The links for download are below
If you are ready to provide your info to one of Microsoft gold partner they provide download facility here

 Remember that none of this VHD image can be used or attempted to be used for internal or external production purpose it is only for developers like us cheers.If you have product key for moss 2007 and wish to do sample installation on VHD this is fantastic codeproject resource step by step .

Our friend at also has explained following steps to build MOSS 2007 environment

In a nutshell following diagram represents environment requirement and application\components of moss
This diagram is kind of a summary of what we discussed til now .Thanks codetechsolutions.

This was for wss 3.0 and moss 2007 online or offline dev environments what about 2010 we will see in next post. So build your environment or start using Microsoft virtual labs for becoming sharepointer :).Do post your questions issues and comments.I will try my best to suggest resolution or direct it to right chap. Cheers and Happy sharepoint weekend to all....

Last but not least I wish to dedicate this post to Annaji Hazare who is fighting against corruption in india.
I salute and support you Annaji

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What I need to become sharepointer

Sorry friends last week I could not post anything last week.But My work,responsibilities is increased and I wanted to balance it and take control of situation.Cheers I have managed to do it.You must be wondering what do actually one needs to start on sharepoint.We need only a thin computer with browser preferably IE 6.0 and above  and an 3mbps Internet connection wireless or wired with preferably windows OS.If you have windows live account it will be great if not you can open one here .
Now You can start by opening virtual labs at Technet or msdn

There are offline options also which I will post in next few hours.Now let me grab my lunch and keep sharepointing . I will dedicate this post to BharatRatna Doctor Babasaheb Ambedkar whose 120th birth anniversary we just celebrated.He was the symbol of equality and inspiration to lot of students

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Practical Knowledge of sharepoint is Free too :)

Today evening I  was alone at home and got bored of theory and reading so I decided to do Hands on practical on sharepoint....But what about dev environment,64 bit vhd etc.....Don't Worry if there is will there is a way....Microsoft has hosted virtual labs for developers free...What you need is just high speed net connection and a hotmail account....I just completed Visual Webpart and Connected webpart development on msdn virtual labs...its very step by step and straightforward......Thanks god Knowledge is free.....Here I remind myself Nobel Laurette Guru Tagore's lines

Where head is held high,Where Minds are not broken into narrow domestic walls
Where Knowledge is free into That heaven of freedom Oh my father let my country awake...

I dedicate my this post to Guru Ravindranatm Tagoreji 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Is Sharepoint Free or paid?

That's the key these days in IT.Cost savings,leveraging on existing investment is really important and Microsoft understands this.Windows sharepoint services 3.0(WSS 3.0) is free if you have windows server 2003 edition.Windows sharepoint services 3.0 needs SQL and if you wish to save SQL server licence cost you can go for SQL server express edition which comes inbuilt with WSS 3.0 installer.
But obvious WSS 3.0+SQL server express combination has limited set of features as compared to its Paid counterpart,MOSS(Microsoft Office sharepoint server )2007.
MOSS comes in standard and enterprise editions.This is beautifully represented in following diagram
This diagram guides at high level what to choose depending on what feature and functionality you want in organisation.The very details of comparison are available in excel at Sharepoint Editions Comparison Sheet .Keep this excel handy.Finally I want to tell you all that all the images used in this blog are not mine and wherever possible I have mentioned references but some image\digram references I could not find like the above one.Sorry and thanks to creators of images like above

Friday, April 8, 2011

SharePoint Can be used for.....

Fantastic that everyone needs to know sharepoint in enterprise.But what are the applications of sharepoint for organisation.As I said,Sharepoint is enterprise collaboration platform whenever enterprise thinks that people or existing softwares or both need to collaborate effectively and efficiently please think of sharepoint first.Because with sharepoint it can be facilitated in less time as it has ready to use funcional modules.In business terms sharepoint is used in organisations for one or more of following
  • Central document repository.....Document Management System
  • Workflow..................................Business Process Automation\Management System
  • Reports......................................Business Intelligence\Report Center\Dashboard
  • Collaboration in team................Team site\Project site\Knowledge Management System\ Intranet
  • Content Author\Edit\approve.....Web Content Management System\Internet
  • Collaboration in systems...........Enterprise Application Integration\Line Of Business Integration
  • Searching Documents and Content......................................Search Center
  • Complex calculations................Excel Services
This is pictorially represented on msdn using following nice diagram

A pictures speaks more than Thousand Words.......I wish I could have been graphics guys...No worries..The Point is many more applications which can configured and customised and made operational in no time with total control on governance and security of applications,users and content with sharepoint.
We will discuss in more details each of this term and Relation of above with each role mentioned previously in next post.Happy weekend and enjoy...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What is there in it for me?Why should one need to know about sharepoint?

Oh that's very rude of you :) just kidding.There are various softwares and products and technologies coming everyday and we need to evaluate technology before
1. we invest our time to learn or invest infrastructure and resources as individual or organisation.
2. But sharepoint is like already invested into by millions and and not in last two-three years but last 10 years. and Incidently today is Sharepoint's Anniversary.....Let us wish happy birthday sharepoint
3.Yes sharepoint today is decade old platform started with Sharepoint Portal Server 2001.
4.Every individual working in the ecosystem of any enterprise needs to know more or less about sharepoint.As a survey indicates those who know sharepoint are more preferred for job or promotion over those who don't

Apart from above,Sharepoint has something or other of interest for everyone in IT andBusiness
1.Business Analyst
7.Data Entry Operators\receptionist
8.IT head
9.IT administrators
10.Content Editors
11.Content authors
What is use for everyone I will cover in next topic.Stay tuned.Let me catch my office bus now.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Let us sharepoint

Hi friends,
My apologies for not posting in couple of days but I have valid excuse :).Yesterday was a Hindu new year and GudhiPadwa a festival to mark same,also I joined new company.To read my poem wishing everyone happy new year click Sankalp Nave . None the less today I am gonna discuss very basic thing for those who just heard sharepoint but don't know what it is.

1. What Is SharePoint?
* Sharepoint is application software which facilitates collaboration among people and other softwares by providing various ready to use(out of the box,OOTB\OOB) templates,definitions,automated workflows and generic functionalities like announcement,blog,task,survey etc.

2. How Microsoft refers sharepoint?
*Microsoft refers it as Enterprise Collaboration Platform.

3.Why Enterpise?What is so unique about sharepoint?
*Yeah.This is my favourite question.Sharepoint is good than its other competitors because it can be configured to adhere policies,rules and guidelines of organisationwide content like documents,spreadsheets,images,slides etc.It is good candidate for governance and security of large amount of content produced or shared in enterprises.

Friends I got to go office so will catch you tomorrow.Cheers Enjoy Sharepointing and do ask Questions..

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Hi Friends,
I am Indrajit and I am working in software field for around 6 years.Most of my experience revolves around,c# and share point.My hobbies are reading books,learning new things and Making friends and writing poems.Today I have decided to share what is share point for developers.So keep following this blog if you also wish to become sharepointer :)